Nov 7, 2021Liked by Hameed

Love this Hameed! Especially the jara content. It all sounds so trite, but it's the truth that we either refuse to tell ourselves or live by. And if we all refuse to live by what is better, how would Nigeria get better? Many times we forget that we are Nigeria.

And I'm taking your advice about japa serious too anyway😂😂. Ain't gonna dull it

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Nov 7, 2021Liked by Hameed

I'm overjoyed being able to read your newsletter again! Thank you for providing us with something worthwhile to read.

Today's jara content brightened my day. Nigeria will not be healed unless we all play our roles consciously and diligently. To rid our beloved country of the ills that plague it, we must all repent sincerely and remain committed to doing the right thing. We need to stop shouting God kiri and start doing what is necessary.

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Nov 7, 2021Liked by Hameed

God! This is the best newsletter I've read in a while. Also, one of the few I've comfortable eagerly read to the end for someone that is not much of a fan of books..

Reading your newsletter opens my mind to me writing some too in years to come

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Nov 7, 2021Liked by Hameed

Love this Hameed! Especially the jara content. It all sounds so trite, but it's the truth that we either refuse to tell ourselves or live by. And if we all refuse to live by what is better, how would Nigeria get better? Many times we forget that we are Nigeria.

And I'm taking your advice about japa serious too anyway😂😂. Ain't gonna dull it

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This was a really good read but I'm not really surprised, it's you.

Definitely a lot to think about 👍🏾

Also, yesss Nigerians are the problem with Nigeria. It's astounding how we perpetuate lawlessness but as soon as we're at the airports in other countries, we comport ourselves and behave like sane people.

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Wow, profound!

The sunk cost theory makes so much sense, although, in reality, it may be harder to let go of certain things that have happened when making decisions; I guess we can do better.

My feelings towards Nigeria are somewhat like yours, I love this country, but I will take the opportunity to leave if it ever arises.

And yes, I'm all for pushing the change in our little ways because at the end of the day if everyone is doing something little to change this country, it becomes a big thing.

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Nov 9, 2021Liked by Hameed

I think what makes us not admit 'sunk cost' in our personal space is the fact that we tend to hold on very dearly to our image of the 'future'. We overestimate the effect that the current decision could have in 10 years (or whatever timeline) when it actually may not hold that much.

Even if it does end up being just as we thought, carrying around a 'Had I known?' thought upandan just escalates the anxiety we associate the decision with which really doesn't help anyone

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Oh my, this was such a great read! I'm particularly happy to have learnt about the "sunk cost" term!

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What a read.

About sunk costs, I'll be going back to my Chinese drama (but first, to answer your question, we watch Korean dramas for the EVERYTHING. Those guys are great storytellers and excellent actors, but you wouldn't know because the taste of the pudding is in the eating 🌚) from last week because I can totally relate the drama to this point. All the time and efforts and feelings and other 'investments' that had gone into a 10-year relationship no longer mattered when a 'new' person came along (man, timing is so important in this life).

Moving on from my Chinese drama, at times, the only way to get better/be better/do better is to move on from a situation. But more important than moving on is to know when to move on, forget your sunk costs and hope that you know what you are doing with your new investment. It's very hard, but also very necessary.

And yes, 9 out of 10 Nigerians are horrible, corrupt, ill-mannered, would cheat you without hesitation or regret, abuse power, I could go on and on. It's from these 10 people that all the 'leaders' emerge, so what else should we expect? We can complain and pray all we want -nobody holy pass us- but God is not going to change our condition until we change what's in our own hearts. I'm not even going to let this country get to my head again (at least, until I wake up tomorrow and hear something absolutely ridiculous again).

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Bruhhh, the rants are totally welcome btw🤗 and this is such a 'hmm, think about that for a moment' piece. Luv it. As always.

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Nov 7, 2021Liked by Hameed


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Nov 7, 2021Liked by Hameed

A concise piece indeed. Kudos!

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Nov 7, 2021Liked by Hameed

Was really happy to see your newsletter early this morning. In my opinion, Nigeria is gone case.

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